We care about the Environment RIUHotels &Resorts

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Riu Hotels and Resorts, establishes a series of sustainability policies allowing them to comply with their environmental objectives and social responsibility. Concerned about protecting the environment, our hotel has simple and effective steps taken in order to reduce energy and water consumption during your holidays.

HOW YOU CAN HELP? We invite you to continue this set of

recommendations to make your stay in this wonderful destination not only does not cause negative environmental impacts, but also is beneficial to local communities.

WATER • Take short showers (instead of baths) and use water sparingly • Keep closed the faucet while soaping, you brush or shaving • Reuse room towels and beach/ pool towels, rather than have them replaced daily • If you intend to dispose of any chemicals or drugs, put it in the dustbin

ENERGY • Avoid using air conditioning whenever possible, especially when windows and doors are open • Turn heating off when not required or when windows and doors are open • Switch off the lights when leaving

WASTE • Reuse plastic bags and place used

batteries in special containers at the front desk, or deliver it directly to the hotel staff.

• Use to separate the different garbage dumps. (As applicable). • In the rooms, which despise will be classified in the same way later. This hotel manages solid waste and promotes recycling.

a room and turn off the TV (don’t leave it on standby). The hotel has installed in over 70% of installation using energy efficient lighting.

of room to be given due process, avoid throwing it down the drain.

RECOMMENDATIONS In addition to the above recommendations, you can help by taking the following measures: • Buy locally produced food and drinks.

• Try using organic sunscreens in order to minimize the impact of natural marine systems. • Join us in the effort to maintain the clean, pure air, free from tobacco smoke. Help us to prevent forest fires. • If you visit archaeological or historic sites help

• Choose locally made crafts and souvenirs. • Check that excursions use local suppliers so your money goes into their pockets. • Get closer to people and places by using public transport, bicycles and walking. • Please respect the local culture and any dress codes as appropriate; check with us if you are unsure. • Refrain from buying products made from plants, wild animals endangered. • Do not participate in activities that harm animals

us preserve and respect local regulations. • Use the marked trails and respect the environmental conditions and lifestyle, privacy and property of the area’s residents.

• Reject any act that violates the human rights of minors. Say NO to sex tourism of children and adolescents. (ECPAT Code).

• It is prohibited to use psychotropic substances or unauthorized drugs.

or habitats surrounding these animals. • Do not feed or disturb local wildlife that could be found within the hotel.

• If you notice something that is affecting the environment inside the hotel, please report it.

22 GreenBook

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