RIU Corporate Marketing Tools

RIU Corporate Marke.ng & Sales Tools



RIU Corporate Marke.ng & Sales Tools


TRANSACTIONAL SYSTEMS (RUMBO). RIU Hotels has all transac.onal systems fully integrated in one tool, RUMBO being a Front-­‐, Mid-­‐ and Back-­‐Office solu.on. This tool (RUMBO) has been designed by our own IT Department, and maintenance / update are done in-­‐house, too Advantages: Low cost due to economies of scale. The programs fit exactly to the needs of the users and the business in general. Sec-ons: Rates and contrac.ng. Bookings and connec.vity.

Groups and events. Loyalty programs. Call Center. Others: Hotel Management, Finance and Accoun.ng, …

RIU Corporate Marke.ng & Sales Tools


Rates and Contrac

RIU Corporate Marke.ng & Sales Tools


Groups and Events This sec.on manages large group reserva.ons. These groups typically do not only book a huge number of rooms, they also have addi.onal needs such as conference rooms and other supplementary services. This tool manages the whole process: From the formula.on of the quota.on to the invoicing and payment. Loyalty Programmes RIU Hotels has several loyalty programs for travel agencies (Riu Partner Club) and guests (Riu Class). Due to the integra.on of the whole system, we have complete and exact informa.on about guests and travel agencies. The system does not only manage the loyalty program, it also manages marke.ng campaigns and other promo.onal ac.vi.es.

RIU Corporate Marke.ng & Sales Tools


Rumbonet RUMBONET is op.mized for sales through our Call Center, online and web sales. It allows our corporate Call Center to provide our customers the best of service. OTAs, bed-­‐banks and other online partners can connect to this applica.on, in order to obtain availability and rates.

Call Center, main figures 55 sales execu.ves. 7 languages. Annual income 2012: 58 mio Euros (2011: 46 mio €) Bookings in 2012: 82.058 (2011: 71,114) Aeended calls in 2012: 819,210 (2011: 648.945) Other programs integrated in Rumbo Finance. Accoun.ng. Purchasing. Hotel Management

RIU Corporate Marke.ng & Sales Tools



• 2012 B2C revenue of 100 Millions of Euros • Average revenue increase of 15% year on year from 2009. • More than 130.000 reserva.ons processed on Riu.com and our 24/7 Call center during 2012 • More than 25 Millions of visits and 15 Millions of unique visitors to www.riu.com during 2012.

RIU Corporate Marke.ng & Sales Tools


RIU Corporate Marke.ng & Sales Tools


Media Coverage:

• Global partner agreements with sites like Tripadvisor in terms of media coverage and traffic improvement to Riu.com. • Media collabora.on with one the biggest media buying groups, WPP, in Europe and Americas, also well established in Asia. • Collabora.on, knowledge improvement and centralized account management agreement with Google.

RIU Corporate Marke.ng & Sales Tools


RIU´s loyalty programme for travel agents

From the very beginning, RIU´s history has been closely linked to tour operators and travel agents, who have done a lot to contribute to the growth of the company. As a result, in 1992 RIU launched a loyalty programme for them called RIU PartnerClub. Being a member of the RIU PartnerClub is the best guarantee of training for the travel agents, as they get to know the product first hand and it helps in recommending the hotel that meets customers´expecta.ons best.

RIU Corporate Marke.ng & Sales Tools


Some facts & figures

• RIU PartnerClub has been introduced in more than 40 countries in Europe, USA, Canada, Mexico and La.n America • Over 46.000 travel agencies are currently registered in RIU PartnerClub • More than 100.000 travel agents are currently members in RIU PartnerClub • In 2012 more than 20.000 travel agents booked their private holidays in any RIU Hotel via RIU PartnerClub

RIU Corporate Marke.ng & Sales Tools


Membership Advantages • Free membership for cer.fied travel agents

• Once registered travel agent receives points for every reserva.on submieed, regardless of dates, hotel category or reserva.on channel • Exchange of points for free stays within special allotments provided yearround in every hotel • Special Amigo rates available for members, much lower than regular hotel rates • Clients receive welcome gij on behalf of travel agent upon arrival • Call Centers with mul.-­‐lingual staff based in Majorca and Mexico to assist travel agents • Launch of special promo.ons and incen.ves, when needed • Frequent newsleeers sent out by RIU to inform about new hotels, renova.ons and updates

RIU Corporate Marke.ng & Sales Tools


WWW.RIUPARTNERCLUB.COM offers & provides registered travel agents

• 24/07 access 365 days a year • to report clients´ bookings • to redeem points for own travels • to send clients wishes and special requests directly to the hotel • direct access to the RIU Sales Manual with specific and detailed informa.on on all hotels, on groups and conferences as well as on special interest topics like Golf, Weddings or Wellness • informa.on on new hotels and renova.ons • special offers and promo.ons • to contact the Serviceteam for help and assistance, and much much more...

RIU Corporate Marke.ng & Sales Tools


is RIU Hotels & Resorts customer loyalty programme.

It is specifically designed for frequent customers, rewarding their loyalty with exclusive advantages and benefits. Once registered, each member receives a personalised Riu Class card, which iden.fies the customer and one addi.onal beneficiary, as well as their children under the age of 18, as preferen.al guests. The customers get access to a private area at www.riuclass.com, where they can manage their accounts, view collected points, modify their details, etc.

RIU Corporate Marke.ng & Sales Tools


Points accumula

RIU Corporate Marke.ng & Sales Tools


Exchange points

At the private area of the Riu Class account the system will provide clients with special rates, taking into account the points balance they have available, and will combine different type of rates: • General rate (cash rate with the opportunity to accumulate points) • Only points rate (redemp?on of points) • Cash & points rate (cash rate in combina?on with the redemp?on of points) A Riu Class member can choose from different benefits to redeem points. They can be used for a discount on the bill of extra expenditures in the hotel or merchandise of the RIU Shop, for a room upgrade or a late check-­‐out, etc.

RIU Corporate Marke.ng & Sales Tools


Overview of the exclusive benefits for Riu Class members:

RIU Corporate Marke.ng & Sales Tools


Riu Class Figures

Riu Class started in 2009 with the redemp.on of points against hotel stays

Evolu.on of number of Riu Class Accounts (average of 1,7 members / account)

(including sales of addi?onal room nights or complete stays)

RIU Corporate Marke.ng & Sales Tools

RIU has a strong presence on the most popular social networks such as: Facebook (with 288,000 fans), Twieer (with 19,000 followers), Youtube (with over 66,000 plays), as well as profiles on Pinterest, Instagram and Flickr. SOCIAL MEDIA

RIU Corporate Marke.ng & Sales Tools


RIU on Facebook


Thanks to the strategy and work of the social networking team, and the loyalty of the chain's guests, the hotel company's presence on Facebook has enjoyed exponen.al growth since the page was launched in 2009. In the last year alone, it has gained almost 120,000 followers from more than 20 countries, with the highest number of fans from Mexico, the United States and Spain.

RIU Corporate Marke.ng & Sales Tools


RIU on Facebook

Having a presence on Facebook is part of RIU's strategy to ensure an increasingly more ac.ve presence on the most popular social networks such as Twieer, Flickr, Pinterest and Google+. For RIU, Facebook has come to be an indispensable channel for direct communica.on with its customers. Through this planorm the company provides updates on latest news, as well as sharing useful informa.on on the hotels, introducing members of the team and photos of the new hotels before anyone else. Facebook has also given the employees the opportunity to share their work and knowledge on subjects such as gardening .ps or ac.vi.es, as well as funny comments from the entertainment teams. But above all, Facebook is used as a tool for genera.ng conversa.on. It is an open door which invites guests to share their concerns, and also their experiences and anecdotes.

RIU Corporate Marke.ng & Sales Tools


RIU on Google+


RIU launched its account on Google+ in March 2012. A year on, the hotel chain's page on this social network has enjoyed excep.onal success. As many as 176,000 users have clicked the +1 bueon on the RIU page and of them, 125,000 have added it to one of their circles.

RIU Corporate Marke.ng & Sales Tools


RIU on Google+

In recent months, the increase in the number of followers on Google+ has been exponen.al, with rises of up to 65% a month. In a short space of .me, it has become the second social network (only behind Facebook) to direct traffic to riu.com. What's more, visitors who come from Google+ tend to spend more .me on the website and consult a higher number of pages on each visit. RIU's main objec.ve on Google+ has been to connect with users of the new Google network who are interested in the brand. They are offered informa.on of interest for travelling, as well as news and facts about the company to strengthen the rela.onship and commitment to the followers.

RIU Corporate Marke.ng & Sales Tools




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