RIU Corporate Marketing Tools


Rumbonet RUMBONET is op.mized for sales through our Call Center, online and web sales. It allows our corporate Call Center to provide our customers the best of service. OTAs, bed-­‐banks and other online partners can connect to this applica.on, in order to obtain availability and rates.

Call Center, main figures 55 sales execu.ves. 7 languages. Annual income 2012: 58 mio Euros (2011: 46 mio €) Bookings in 2012: 82.058 (2011: 71,114) Aeended calls in 2012: 819,210 (2011: 648.945) Other programs integrated in Rumbo Finance. Accoun.ng. Purchasing. Hotel Management

RIU Corporate Marke.ng & Sales Tools

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